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Letter 1: Remembering Good Days


Dear Annie,


I've been thinking about the year when you and I were mother/daughter

roomies while your dad was away at War College. 


It was an exciting, entertaining year full of mystery, intrigue, and adventure. 

Twice a week we ventured out for some dining featuring more exotic than

normal fare.  We devoured Jodi Picoult novels, debated the merits of her

mysterious endings, and enjoyed the intrigue and suspense in Boston Legal - the TV show that most fascinated you and me. And then the weekends when your dad was back in town we used to watch CSI and enjoy all the mystery and the excitement of the show; unaware that within a year our own home would turn into a CSI-like crime scene.


Annie, do you remember all the fun stuff happened that year? You graduated from Law School and passed the Maryland State Bar while I learned to teach struggling beginning kindgardener readers. I also marveled at all of your health knowledge gained from your few previous years as a physical trainer.  Was I ever a proud mother!


Our whole family seemed to thrive in 2008-2009. In April and May we shed our winter Snuggies and frolicked more outside with our dogs.  I remember June picnics.  Then that summer your dad and I vacationed in Mexico and in Finland while you dog sat.


If only I hadn’t come home that Saturday morning and found you unresponsive in your bed. If only it hadn’t come — that day that changed our lives. 





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